LCD Soundsystem


Just One Man’s Opinion: The 25 Best of the 2010’s

Preamble In 2009, I thought my listening habits would just continue to stroll into the 2010’s in the same manner. I was neck deep in a world of Indie Rock, with a peppering of classic Blues, Jazz, and R&B albums – basically to maintain some appearance of balance. Real Estate had released their eponymous debut album, Grizzly Bear had dropped the powerful and immersive Veckatimest record, and Animal Collective was making Electronic Indie music mainstream with Merriweather Post Pavilion. There...

From The Blinds Presents – “Three Blind Men: The Blind Bracket Challenge”

The premise is simple: a bracket of some of the greatest Rock albums of all-time. The inspiration is also pretty simple- it all started at the end of this year’s March Madness; the epic three-week clash between the best in NCAA basketball. March Madness engenders a certain amount of grandiose ambition in the simple folks like me who are drawn to the idea of a single-matchup where the picks are difficult, the results often unexpected, and the competition as fierce...